Holy Trinity Queenborough
About the Church

Holy Trinity Queenborough was built around 1367 and is unusual in that we know when work commenced on the building, who undertook the work and how much it cost. The church has a tower of six bells and the view from the tower is greatly admired.
The church has a canted boarded painted ceiling is believed to be painted by a Dutchman circa 1698 portraying the firmament of the sky but it was unfortunately damaged by a serious fire in the tower in the 1930s. The painting depicts white clouds and gold stars decorating the portion over the nave. At the east end the centrepiece represents the Angel of the Apocalypse sounding the last trump in a painted egg and dart medallion with cherubim painted in smaller medallions. It is possible that there may be an earlier roof structure behind the boards.

The church is visited by many tourists, some even sail to the town, and every effort is made to keep the church open all year during daylight hours for visitors who wish to enjoy the peace, serenity and beauty of our historic treasures. The church boasts a wealth of history, for example, Hogarth spent part of a riotous journey in Queenborough and Lord Nelson took Holy Communion in the church whilst staying in the town.
Today this church is both the home for our Christian family and a focus for notable occasions in the lives of the community. The church holds regular Sunday morning services and a number of annual events, such as The Blessing Of the Waters at the water's edge on Crundall's Wharf which is attended by local fishermen, sailors, the lifeboat and Pilot boats. An annual Flower Festival and regular monthly groups also meet in the church. Queenborough is fortunate to own its own church hall, which is situated behind the church in North Road opposite the Vicarage. It is fully equipped, used for church functions, is the location of Teddy Bears Daycare Nursery and can be hired subject to availability.
We need your help
However, Holy Trinity Queenborough needs your help. We have a small, faithful, hardworking congregation trying to preserve the heritage and spirituality of the local parish church for the use of the whole community whenever they may need it.
We have managed to raise money to repair our church building in recent years, work was needed on the tower, the roof and inner masonry. We are now in dire need of rebuilding the vestry building attached to the rear of the church. The vestry is in a desperate state of repair with the flooring unsafe in places and the whole outer shell well past its sell by date. We would like to demolish and rebuild this annex to the church and add the much needed facilities of a kitchenette area and a toilet enabling more people to visit and use the services we offer. We are currently seeking the permissions we require to do this and applying for grants to help us.
You can help us too by supporting our fundraising events, making a donation or if you shop online by shopping via easyfundraising.org.uk. Every time you shop, you'll raise a donation for us and it won't cost you a penny extra.
Go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/holytrinitychurchqueenborough and follow the simple steps to sign up. When you shop online, visit easyfundraising first, click through to the retailer and shop as normal. Everything costs exactly the same but with every purchase you make you'll raise a donation from the retailer to our church.
Please contact the churchwardens if you can help us in any other way to preserve this beautiful historic church and make it more accessible for present day use not just for us now but for the future generations to come.

Our latest project
Holy Trinity Queenborough Gallery
The Greet Memorial Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
The Greet Memorial
The Greet Memorial Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyThe Greet Memorial
Tower and Greet Memorial Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
Tower and Greet Memorial
Tower and Greet Memorial Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyTower and Greet Memorial
Southern Side Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
Southern Side
Southern Side Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeySouthern Side
Windows in the Tower Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
Windows in the Tower
Windows in the Tower Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyWindows in the Tower
The Lychgate Holy Trinity Church Queenborough
The Lychgate
The Lychgate Holy Trinity Church QueenboroughThe Lychgate
Buttresses on the Northeast Corner Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
Buttresses on the Northeast Corner
Buttresses on the Northeast Corner Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyButtresses on the Northeast Corner
Window on the Western Face Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
Window on the Western Face
Window on the Western Face Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyWindow on the Western Face
The Tower Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
The Tower
The Tower Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyThe Tower
The Tower Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
The Tower
The Tower Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyThe Tower
Porch on the Southern Side Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
Porch on the Southern Side
Porch on the Southern Side Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyPorch on the Southern Side
Doorway on the Western Face Holy Trinity Church Queenborough Sheppey
Doorway on the Western Face
Doorway on the Western Face Holy Trinity Church Queenborough SheppeyDoorway on the Western Face

The Greet Memorial

Tower and Greet Memorial

Southern Side

Windows in the Tower

The Lychgate

Buttresses on the Northeast Corner

Window on the Western Face

The Tower

The Tower

Porch on the Southern Side

Doorway on the Western Face