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Sky Blue Pink …
| Angie Thorn
Rev Paul Kite - View from the Pew

Sky Blue Pink …

…with brown spots!

May is a month associated with creativity, creation, starting afresh, new beginnings and transitioning from one thing to something better.

My mother used to say “I don’t care if it’s sky blue pink with brown spots on …” and whilst I haven’t heard that phrase for decades (yes I really am that old) as a consequence it is a colour that pops into my head on occasion, particularly in response to really stupid questions. No not those questions, I mean the really stupid questions like when I get asked what colour I want the TV on because the questioner thinks it is funny to say colour instead of channel.

But, in a way it’s quite inventive. Like children mixing paint trying to make different colours - especially when they’ve forgotten to wash the brush first and so create a totally different colour to what they were expecting, albeit often a sludgy one.

There are many ways of being creative, God granted us the wonderful gift of imagination and out of this we have magnificent books, stories full of wonder, films full of technicolour, art, sculpture, dance, music and much more.

Likewise, there are many ways of starting afresh and becoming better, such as repenting and saying sorry when we do wrong and receiving forgiveness.

But of course, we can sum all these May themes up with a simple beautiful creature from God’s creation. Look at the caterpillars who are turning into butterflies and moths. One thing transitioning into another, beginning a new beginning, creating a new beautiful image of itself thanks to God’s creative power. And possibly even having wings that are sky blue pink with brown spots.

And we can be like those caterpillars, starting afresh with each new day, following the example Jesus set us and becoming more and more like God’s original masterpiece as we gradually get our wings, growing in love, and becoming beautiful butterflies.

With love, Angie